Branding tailored to you and your company

A brand is more than the visuals, but rather a story made up of different elements that attract you to them. Branding is the “total package,” so to speak. So, if you’ve been wondering what branding is, why it’s important, and how you can begin branding your business, you’re in the right place.

Breaking down branding


Every brand needs a logo. In fact, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a brand that doesn’t have a logo, which arguably makes it the most important element of branding.

Colour Palette

Colors are another key ingredient in any brand identity. Take a look at the following color swatches and try to guess which brand each palette represents.


Imagery includes all the kinds of images you use in your branding, marketing and advertising. This isn’t your logo or the specific pieces of content you publish; it’s the choice of photos and stock images you use, the style of the graphics on your website and other brand assets and your overall brand aesthetic. Think of gradient and patterned backgrounds, packaging or banners—you don’t need concrete imagery to communicate a brand clearly; you can easily do so with abstract imagery through your shape and color choices.


A brand’s positioning has a direct impact on its branding. For example, a low-priced brand that aims to communicate that they’re the most economic choice might choose bright, value-communicating colors like yellow and orange and craft a brand voice that’s simple, friendly and optimistic. A brand’s positioning has a direct impact on its branding. For example, a low-priced brand that aims to communicate that they’re the most economic choice might choose bright, value-communicating colors like yellow and orange and craft a brand voice that’s simple, friendly and optimistic.


The fonts a brand uses are another key element of branding. Wherever a brand uses text, like in their logo, on their website and as part of an email template, the font used for that text isn’t random—it’s carefully selected to communicate the brand’s personality and values.


Shape is another part of an overall branding strategy. Not just the shapes present in your logo, but the shapes in your web page backgrounds, layout design, packaging and even your business cards and other stationery.


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